creating ISA-Tab

2.1. ISAcreator for SEURAT-1

Intorduction to ISA-TAB, ISAcreator

The ToxBank data warehouse (TBDW) provides a web-accessible shared repository of know-how and experimental results to support the SEURAT-1 cluster. The information within the TBDW is uploaded from the research activities of the cluster partners as well as relevant data and protocols from other sources, such as public databases containing toxicogenomics data.

2.2. ISAcreator for SEURAT-1

What is ISA-TAB?
What is ISA-TAB?

ISA-TAB is an abbreviation of “Investigation-Study-Assay TAB delimited format”. The ISAcreator software is used to create archives containing experiment descriptions as well as the raw data of an investigation. An archive typically includes all the work that is part of a publication. The archive contains three tables describing the experimental set-up in a hierarchical fashion.

2.3. ISAcreator for SEURAT-1

Understanding ISA-TAB Investigations
Understanding ISA-TAB Investigations

Investigation could be seen as an analogy of the abstract of a publication and it contains also some SEURAT-1 specific information that will be filled in by the ToxBank Data Warehouse when an archive is uploaded. The investigation description contains the text itself.
